DaPillaManz Podcast Episode 11 - Jared Got The Receipts and Who Are The Top Rappers?

The Rhy'zrd, Iceberg Mike, D..., and Special Guest Cobi discuss: ProJared's Clapback, Labor Da, Rhy's went to Gamer Triathlon and did well, Top Ten Best and Rappers, Is Shakespeare a man of bars, Is Ikea the Dark Souls of Furniture, IT, Juvenile is trash, Ludacris is underrated, Kendrick's To Pimp A Butterfly isn't as revered as it should be, Is calling out bullshit really not worth listening to, Eminem doesn't get enough credit, Snoop Dogg is the most underrated famous worldwide rapper, Video Games and Rappers, Berg explains why Biggie and Pac should be revered and they still be auto-includes to to top lists if they were still alive, Mumble Rap VS Boom Bap in this music landscape, Berg keeps hearing only trap and it annoys him, High School Sports, Rhy's Sign Breaking Story, Old people can be spiteful and annoying in Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Jail may be better than freezing in the cold for homeless, NBA shit, Berg's Pizza Zoo story, People in lines for Pokemon B & W, Nintendo Switch Shortages, Popeyes runing out of the Chicken Sandwich, Cobi don't fuck with Elephant Man, Dope Reggae names, and Drake is gutter trash!



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